Olympiatoppen training diary is closed behind login, and there was no good digital training diary with the app, so Famme has made a digital training diary that can be used with the app which is completely free . No more excel and paper, here you get an easy and mobile-adapted diary!
The training diary will systematize your training and give you control over your training routine. This will be it best training app that even is free .
A training diary is simply a log where you keep track of what, when and how you have trained. We have built in training exercises, date, repetition, weight and everything you need to document the training.
You log the training digitally and can filter by day, exercise and more. Whether you train strength, running or yoga, the training diary is suitable for everyone training activities .
You will find the training diaryhere.
Great if manorder the diary as a product before using it, but there is no requirement.
How to use the training diary
- Create a user in Airtable
- download Airtable app on mobile phone
- Make a copy of the diary linked above
- You now have a flexible training diary with grouping and filtering options and full flexibility . Do you want to measure a parameter that is not in the diary? Just create a new column for what you want to measure..
Why you should keep an exercise diary?
An exercise diary provides an overview and greater control over the strain you put on your body. By logging training time, intensity and training frequency one can make sure that the total amount of exercise is large enough, but not too large. This control is also important for us exercisers who operate with much lower training amounts. A good training diary allows you to keep track of your progression, so you can more easily find out how hard you should train and how heavy you should lift at the next session.
With our training diary you can look back in time and measure results and see progress. In addition, it can strengthen motivation and put training in perspective. By logging the training, you can get a feeling of mastery and faster progression.
What should an exercise diary contain?
What you want to document in the training diary can vary depending on the activity.
Here are some parameters that most people benefit from including in an exercise diary:
- Activity form. Quite simply, what kind of training was carried out Running, cycling, squash with a friend, strength trainingg?
- Exercises (for strength training). What exercises did you Record the number of series, repetitions and weight load so that you can facilitate progression in the training..
- Duration. How long did you train This is especially true for endurance-demanding activities..
- Intensity. How hard was the session Was it a light long-distance session, or were you up to high intensity to work on your oxygen uptake? If you want to be even more detailed here, you can note how many minutes you had at calm, medium and high intensity during the session. If you train with a heart rate monitor, this is often logged automatically in programs such as Polar Flow, Garmin Connect and the like. For people who do serious strength training, it is common to note intensity in the form of RPE or repetitions in reserve for each set and each exercise.e.
- Feeling. How did you feel during and after the session? Did you have a good energy levelå?
- Notes, free text field where you can write down other comments
- Distance, speed, heart rate, watts and step or tread frequency may be relevant for endurance training