
Today's exercise is T-Push-Up , a demanding variation of push-ups that both strengthens the chest , shoulders and triceps , as well as activating the core and oblique abdominal muscles through rotation. This combination improves both strength and balance, making it an excellent full-body exercise.

Correct Technique for T-Push-Up

1. Start in a plank position with your hands placed slightly wider than shoulder width.
2. Perform a regular push-up, lower your chest to the floor, and keep your body in a straight line.
3. As you push up, rotate your body to one side and lift your top arm straight up toward the ceiling, so your body forms a "T."
4. Return to plank position and repeat on the opposite side.
5. Continue switching between pages.

Common Errors

  • Inaccurate rotation: Be sure to fully rotate your body to maximally activate your core, but without losing your balance.
  • Weakened hips: Prevent your hips from dropping when you rotate by keeping your core engaged.
  • Poor push-up technique: Remember to perform a full push-up before rotating to ensure all muscle groups are properly activated.

Modifications and Variants

If the exercise is too difficult, you can start by doing push-ups on your knees, or try an easier variation without rotation. More advanced athletes can use dumbbells to add extra resistance, or add more repetitions to increase the challenge.

Repetitions and Sets

Perform 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions, alternating between the right and left sides. Increase the number of repetitions or sets as you build strength.

Breathing technique

Inhale when you lower your body in a push-up, and exhale when you push up and rotate. Maintain a steady and controlled breath throughout the movement.

Videos showing the T-Push-Up

Here are two videos demonstrating the exercise:

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