Stående tæringsstrekk med forhøyet fot

Let's look at the Standing Hamstring Stretch with Raised Foot , an effective exercise that targets the hamstrings (back thighs), lower back and calves . This exercise improves flexibility in the legs and helps relieve muscle tension after activities such as running or weight lifting. Using an elevation such as a bench or chair intensifies the stretch and provides better control over the movement.

Correct technique and execution

How to perform Standing Hamstring Stretch with Raised Foot correctly:

  1. Starting position: Find a bench or chair to rest one foot on. Keep the other leg straight and place your hands on your hips or thighs for support.
  2. Keep your back straight: Make sure to keep your back neutral and your shoulders relaxed. Avoid rounding the lower back.
  3. Lean forward: Gently bend forward from the hips while keeping the extended leg straight. You will feel the stretch along the entire back of the thigh and in the calf.
  4. Hold the stretch: Hold the position for 20-30 seconds while breathing deeply and calmly. Repeat on the opposite leg.

Common mistakes

Here are some mistakes to avoid when performing the Standing Elevated Hamstring Stretch :

  • Round back: Avoid arching your back when you lean forward. Keep your back straight for an effective stretch.
  • Bend the knee: Keep the knee of the raised leg as straight as possible to effectively target the hamstrings.
  • Overstretching: Do not force the body too far forward. The stretch should be comfortable, not painful.

Modifications and variants

Adapt the exercise based on your needs:

  • Beginner modification: Use a lower elevation for the foot if the stretch feels too intense, or avoid leaning so far forward.
  • Advanced variation: For a deeper stretch, try pulling your toes towards you while holding the stretch. This increases the intensity of the hamstrings and calves.
  • Standing Hamstring stretch without elevated foot: A simpler variation where both feet are on the ground and you bend forward from the hips.
Number of repetitions and sets

For flexibility and relaxation, hold the Standing Leg Raised Hamstring Stretch for 20-30 seconds on each side, and repeat 2-3 times. This is especially useful after exercise to improve mobility.

Breathing tips

Breathe in deeply as you start the stretch and exhale slowly as you lean forward. Make sure to relax your muscles with each exhalation for a deeper stretch.

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