Cat-Cow Stretch

Today we will do the Cat-Cow Stretch , a simple and effective yoga exercise that helps improve flexibility in the back and neck . This exercise helps to increase mobility in the spine, reduce stress, and is perfect for warming up the body before more intense exercises or as a relaxing part of a training session.

Correct technique and execution

How to perform the Cat-Cow Stretch with the correct technique:

  1. Start on all fours with your hands directly below your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips.
  2. Cat (Marjaryasana): Exhale, round your back towards the ceiling, pull your chin towards your chest and pull your navel in towards your spine.
  3. Cow (Bitilasana): Inhale, lower your stomach to the floor, lift your chest forward and pull your shoulders back. Carefully look upwards without straining your neck.
  4. Alternate between these two positions in sync with your breathing, at a steady pace.

Repeat the movement for 5-10 breathing cycles, focusing on moving the entire spine.

Common errors

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when performing the Cat-Cow Stretch:

  • Too fast movement: The exercise should be done slowly and controlled, synchronized with the breath.
  • Overextending the neck: Do not raise your head too high when in the Cow position, this can put unnecessary strain on the neck.
  • Uneven distribution of weight: Make sure that the weight is evenly distributed between the hands and knees to avoid unnecessary pressure on the joints.

Modifications and variations

If you want to adjust or vary the exercise, try the following:

  • Seated Cat-Cow: Perform the exercise while sitting on a chair for a gentler version, especially if you have limited mobility.
  • Small hip movements: Add small circular hip movements as you alternate between Cat and Cow to open up your hips and lower back.
  • Extended breathing cycle: Hold each position a little longer and focus on deep breathing to enhance relaxation in the back.

Breathing technique

Breathe calmly and deeply throughout the exercise to maximize the effect:

  • Inhale as you lower your stomach to the floor in the Cow position.
  • Exhale as you round your back towards the ceiling in the Cat position.
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